Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Well its soo easy trick to hack system.

I am providing you steps to hack others system: 

1)Click on Start.

2)Go to all programs>accessories.

3)Right click on command promt and then click properties.

4)Click on Find target.

5)Now you entered in system 32.

6)Now search this file "ddeshare" without quotes.

7)Double click on Ddeshare.

8)Now go to shares and then click "trusted shares".

9)You will be seeing many terminals (computers)connected to lan.

10)Just double click on any of the system you want to hack.

This is you can hack others system which is connected to lan..

I dont know whether this tricks works in your college or not.
Why because few colleges will be using high security alerts.

Well i can successfully hack others system.

Hopefully i found few information about hacking lan.

First of all we have to hack system administration password.

This can be done only by braking (PDC)Primary domain controller. 

PDC can be brake only when we are able to hack First system. And then take sam db to break administration password.
Better to use tool from your system that enables you to use IPC connections to send executable files.
Here i am giving you trick to hack admin password:

first of all you have to scan the range for open 139, 445,3389,6129..
139,145 -->ipc hacking...

3389 --->remote desktop connetion(Best way for hacking :) )
6129 ----->It means that there is ranning dameware server.......

We can also hack admin password by using telnet hacking.

This trick is good enough for cracking administration password...


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